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We are sad to tell you that our temporary season 6 hiatus has grown into a full blown season halt. Our goal in this season was to focus our discussions on transitions and 2020 been rich with them. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, school closures, and impacted businesses, both John and Chris lost their fathers in the past 4 months.
We still love each other, conversations about money, and all of you, but we have to take a break. After some discussion, we have decided to continue our Covid-19 hiatus. We’ll begin planning for our next season in the fall, and finish editing the episodes we already recorded then, to release them next season. We will make sure to keep you informed as release dates are set, and the best way to keep up to date is by following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, or becoming Patrons and joining our small Slack community, where we’ll post first.
We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. In this time of financial stress and general uncertainty, conversation has never been more important. We hope that you are finding opportunities to share your stress, your resilience, and the tools that are helping you look forward with those around you. We look forward to inviting you into our conversations again in the future
Season 6 Episode 5: Welcome to Parenthood!
Listen, It’s impossible to accurately imagine how your life will be different after you welcome a new human into your it, so there’s no such thing as being fully prepared for becoming a parent. There is, however, such a thing as being prepared for what you know will happen (like the paperwork you’ll need to fill out, and the gotchas to avoid) in order to make it easier to focus on the stuff that completely blindsides you (like the utter insanity of it all or how suddenly and fiercely you fall in love with your new human).
Because Money Podcast Team

Chris Enns
Chris Enns is a financial planner at Rags to Reasonable, where he works with artists and other folks with variable and sometimes unusual sources of income. He is a passionate servant of his community, a Mennonite farm boy, an opera singer and actor…and he makes a mean pie. Just try to avoid seeing his desktop. (Chaos! Anarchy!)

Sandi Martin
Sandi Martin is an advice-only financial planner at Sandi Martin Financial Planning, and works with regular folks to figure out what they want their money to do for them and the simplest, smartest way to do it. She’s a slightly obsessive reader, mother of three, and frequent, loud laugher (you’ll see).

John Robertson
John Robertson, PhD, is the author of The Value of Simple and teaches regular people how to become DIY investors through his online course Practical Index Investing for Canadians. He also investigates deep money questions and goes on rants on his blog HolyPotato.net. Oh yeah, he’s a scientist too. #smartestguyintheroom (He didn’t write that last part.)
Because Money Season 6
Coming to your ears January 2020
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Because Money Season 5
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Because Money Season 4
For your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You won’t regret it. We promise.
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Because Money Season 3
Just like in the previous section, for your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You still won’t regret it.
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Because Money Season 2
We promise, there is lots of gold in our archives.
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Because Money Season 1
Seriously, we mean it. They’re good.
S1 Ep3 | Kerry K. Taylor
Women, Money and the Will to Waive Hands Kerry K. Taylor is the sole blogger on Squawkfox.com. She writes about a lot of things with topics ranging from frugal living to getting a job, from holiday shopping to travel and fitness. If it relates to money and how...
S1 Ep2 | Technical Difficulties
So in our second airing of what we originally named the Canadian Personal Finance Hangout, we actually announced a rebrand. Out with the old and in with the new, and even though the old wasn't really worn, the new was so much better. We are now known as the Because...
S1 Ep1| Introduction and Other Stuff
This is our very first Canadian Personal Finance Hangout. We hope you have as much fun watching it as we did recoding it! Sandi wanted to call it Episode 4, however I told her no one would pick up on the movie reference. If you enjoyed the show, please do us a...