For as little as $10 per episode through Patreon, you can join our private community and make the podcast even better.
We are sad to tell you that our temporary season 6 hiatus has grown into a full blown season halt. Our goal in this season was to focus our discussions on transitions and 2020 been rich with them. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, school closures, and impacted businesses, both John and Chris lost their fathers in the past 4 months.
We still love each other, conversations about money, and all of you, but we have to take a break. After some discussion, we have decided to continue our Covid-19 hiatus. We’ll begin planning for our next season in the fall, and finish editing the episodes we already recorded then, to release them next season. We will make sure to keep you informed as release dates are set, and the best way to keep up to date is by following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, or becoming Patrons and joining our small Slack community, where we’ll post first.
We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. In this time of financial stress and general uncertainty, conversation has never been more important. We hope that you are finding opportunities to share your stress, your resilience, and the tools that are helping you look forward with those around you. We look forward to inviting you into our conversations again in the future
Season 6 Episode 5: Welcome to Parenthood!
Listen, It’s impossible to accurately imagine how your life will be different after you welcome a new human into your it, so there’s no such thing as being fully prepared for becoming a parent. There is, however, such a thing as being prepared for what you know will happen (like the paperwork you’ll need to fill out, and the gotchas to avoid) in order to make it easier to focus on the stuff that completely blindsides you (like the utter insanity of it all or how suddenly and fiercely you fall in love with your new human).
Because Money Podcast Team

Chris Enns
Chris Enns is a financial planner at Rags to Reasonable, where he works with artists and other folks with variable and sometimes unusual sources of income. He is a passionate servant of his community, a Mennonite farm boy, an opera singer and actor…and he makes a mean pie. Just try to avoid seeing his desktop. (Chaos! Anarchy!)

Sandi Martin
Sandi Martin is an advice-only financial planner at Sandi Martin Financial Planning, and works with regular folks to figure out what they want their money to do for them and the simplest, smartest way to do it. She’s a slightly obsessive reader, mother of three, and frequent, loud laugher (you’ll see).

John Robertson
John Robertson, PhD, is the author of The Value of Simple and teaches regular people how to become DIY investors through his online course Practical Index Investing for Canadians. He also investigates deep money questions and goes on rants on his blog HolyPotato.net. Oh yeah, he’s a scientist too. #smartestguyintheroom (He didn’t write that last part.)
Because Money Season 6
Coming to your ears January 2020
S6 Ep5 | Welcome to Parenthood
Welcome to Parenthood Listen, It's impossible to accurately imagine how your life will be different after you welcome a new human into your it, so there's no such thing as being fully prepared for becoming a parent. There is, however, such a thing as being prepared...
S6 Ep4 | But the Economy!
But the Economy! Are you as tired as we are of "the economy" being trotted out to support every tax and social policy argument? Do you wish that people who use the phrase "the economy" were required to specify exactly what they're talking about? Us, too.Because Money...
S6 Ep3 | The Surprising Cost of Medical Care
The Surprising Costs of Medical Care Yes, we have socialized medicine here in Canada (and are grateful for it)! But if you or someone you love needs to travel somewhere for treatment, or medical supplies that aren't covered (like osotomy bags), or drugs that might...
S6 Ep2 | Better Conversations About Money with Ian McNaughton
Better Conversations About Money with Ian McNaughton We truly believe that real conversations about money have the power to improve how we make decisions about our finances. In this episode, we're joined by Ian McNaughton, a seasoned coach and communications expert,...
S6 Ep1 | Transitions
Transitions Welcome back to season six of Because Money! Since we last spoke, the show itself and each of our co-hosts have experienced transitions - some minor, some very, very major - and we've adopted the theme of transition to shape our conversations for the...
Because Money Season 5
For your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below.
S5 Ep15 | Why Podcast About Money?
Season Five Finale: Why Podcast About Money? Why talk about money on a podcast? We've all got our reasons, and we learned a bunch in this episode about each other's. Imposter syndrome, squishy soft skills and the importance of real hard data... we talk about why we...
S5 Ep14 | Talking About Money by Yourself
Talking About Money by Yourself How do you talk about money when you're by yourself? We didn't even know this was a question you could ask... but John does (and does it well, naturally) in this solo episode...aka when your co-hosts don't show up on your recording...
S5 Ep13 | Dangerous Defaults
Dangerous Default John leads the charge on challenging some of the defaults we have in the financial world... and why they're sometimes complete phooey You can help make Because Money happen for as little as $1 a month through Patreon. You can also support the show...
S5 Ep12 | Breakups
Breakups Breakups suck and money doesn't make them any better. We talk about how to talk about money in yet another situation where that's the last thing you want to talk about. You can help make Because Money happen for as little as $1 a month through Patreon. You...
S5 Ep11 | Money & Mental Health
Money & Mental Health Mental illness and money... both things that people don't talk about and both things that are really really important things to talk about. And in all that talking, sometimes the best kind of help you can give is saying "I'm sorry, that must...
S5 Ep10 | In A World…Where Rules of Thumb Rule The Day
In a World...Where Rules of Thumb Rule the Day The world of finances has so many 'rules of thumb'. Most of the time they're pretty useful, but in some cases they can be really dangerous. (If you're looking for a new drinking game, try counting how many times we say...
Because Money Season 4
For your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You won’t regret it. We promise.
S4 Ep13 | The One Where Kate Is Making Space for Conversation
Kate is Making Space for Conversation Hey, fellow money nerds: how do you talk to people who don’t know or don’t care quite as much as you do? Kate Smalley is our guest this week because A) as a maker and marketer with lots of financial services clients and a...
S4 Ep12 | The One Where RESPs are Between 3 and 24 Percent Complicated
RESPs are Between 3 and 24 Percent Complicated We’ve been angling to get our friend MYD on the show for a long time. If you don’t remember, he’s the nice guy who offered to convert the show to audio and list it in all the podcast places before Season Three, Well, we...
S4 Ep11 | The One Where We Plan to Plan for Emergencies
The One Where We Plan to Plan for Emergencies While smack-dab in the middle of an emergency is kind of the worst time to start preparing for one, for most of us it’s the upheaval and chaos of just such an event that opens our eyes to the value of marshalling our...
S4 Ep10 | The One Where We Talk About Our Aging Parents
Talking to Parents About Their Money is Hard Listen, somebody is going to cry over socks in this episode, just so you’re prepared. We’re talking about how to have the conversations we need to have to make sure our parents are safe and happy as they age, and in the...
S4 Ep9 | The One Where Insurance is Important But the Industry Sucks
The One Where Insurance is Important But the Industry Sucks So...did Chris get disability insurance since episode 4, or did he write a letter to Aunt Beatrice? Do you want to know how long it took and what happened? US TOO! Plus, friend of the show Julia Chung, who...
S4 Ep8 | The One Where Shannon Lee Simmons is Amazing
The One Where Shannon Lee Simmons is Amazing If you’ve never met Shannon Lee Simmons before, hold onto your hat, because there’s no one else like her. Founder of The New School of Finance, and author of the book Worry Free Money, Shannon joins Sandi and Chris to talk...
Because Money Season 3
Just like in the previous section, for your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You still won’t regret it.
S3 Ep14 | Season Finale with Preet Banerjee
Preet and Everything It's the last episode of Season Three, and because we don't want to see you fall victim to the summer slide, we're talking to Preet Banerjee about enough interesting stuff to keep you thinking until Season Four drops this fall, like: 0.33 - Why...
S3 Ep 13 | Chris and John Talk Rent vs. Buy
Chris and John Talk Through Rent vs. Buy Chris knows all the buttons to push to get John, our resident housing bear, to pull out his rent vs. buy calculator: 1:37 - How should we start thinking about real estate 6:30 - Is renting just a phase of life 10:24 - Is there...
S3 Ep 12 | Communal Living with Rob Bancroft
Communal Living with Rob Bancroft This episode has everything: a quiz that Sandi spectacularly loses, a guest that digs into the nitty gritty of communal living, and a fight with a (housing) bear. Join us and our guest Rob Bancroft if you're at all interested in the...
S3 Ep 11 | Your Magic Number with Avraham Byers
Your Magic Number with Avraham Byers It's the one, the only Avraham Byers, Personal Financial Trainer, here to ring your doorbell every morning with $150, make awesome beard jokes, and talk about his recent (and fabulously simple) ebook Your Magic Number. Highlights...
S3 Ep10 | Can Regulation Make Advice Better?
Can Regulation Make Advice Better? How can you be certain that the advice you're getting from a professional (an accountant, a lawyer, a doctor...a financial planner) is trustworthy? Is it enough to judge the advice based on how well you know and like the person...
S3 Ep 9 | Chris and Sandi Think Through RRSP Loans
Chris and Sandi Think Through RRSP Loans In a departure from our normal format, Chris and Sandi spend this episode talking through their thoughts about RRSP Loans...twice. Why twice? Turns out we had more to say. Why audio-only? Chris wanted to test his show-editing...
Because Money Season 2
We promise, there is lots of gold in our archives.
S2 Ep11 | “Advertising in Financial Media” with Robb Engen
On this final episode of Because Money Season Two, we thought we'd spice it up and talk about something we don't necessarily agree on: advertising, brand partnerships, and advertorials on personal finance blogs, and - bonus - we're joined by Season One co-host Robb...
S2 Ep10 | “The Incomparable” Cait Flanders
The Journey Towards Minimalism How do you deal with "stuff"? You know... the "stuff" that surrounds you... all the time. Do you have boxes of "stuff" that you haven't looked in for 27 years but simply can't bring yourself to get rid of? This episode is for you. This...
S2 Ep9 | “The Launch” with Richard Finnie
Common Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make This episode we're joined by Richard Finnie, founder of thelaunch.ca, and initiative designed to encourage collaboration with entrepreneurs. He's no stranger to podcasting himself, since as part of thelaunch.ca he hosts his own show...
S2 Ep8 | “Here’s the Story of an App” with Kerry K Taylor
Freshbooks. This Entire Episode is About Freshbooks. Period. Although this episode was supposed to be a roundtable Brady bunch type discussion about our favourite financial apps (we did kinda get there), the first half of this episode is spent extolling the virtues of...
S2 Ep7 | Tom Drake
Getting Ahead On this episode of the Because Money Podcast, we are joined by Tom Drake, white collar by day, finance blogger by night. Chances are if you have spent anytime on the internet reading personal finance blogs, you have come across something penned by Tom....
S2 Ep6 | Chris Enns from Rags to Reasonable
Who Cares Who Had It Worse? Do Millennials really have it worse? Or did Boomers really grow up walking to school uphill both ways? Does it really matter? That is where the conversation started, but it's certainly not where it ended. On this episode of the Because...
Because Money Season 1
Seriously, we mean it. They’re good.
S1 Ep27 | Robert R. Brown
Wealthy Rabbits with RRSPs Special Guest Robert R. Brown Robert R. Brown is a freelance personal finance writer and the author of Wealthing Like Rabbits – An Original Introduction to Personal Finance. He lives in Ajax, Ontario with his wife Belinda and their three...
S1 Ep26 | Alexandra Macqueen
Eric, Ilsa, and Us Special guest Alexandra Macqueen Alexandra Macqueen is a Certified Financial Planner, retirement income specialist, co-author of the (soon-to-be) newly revised book Pensionize Your Nest Egg, and very gracious about usually being the smartest and...
S1 Ep25 | So It’s Your First Time Budgeting
It's our last episode of 2014, and - in the spirit of the coming New Year - we're talking budgets. The Christmas bills are about to start rolling in, which means 'tis the season for resolving to control your money this year. We want you to stick to it, so in this...
S1 Ep24 | Cent$ible Students
Teaching Kids About Money On episode 24 of the Because Money Podcast we are joined by Caroline Munshaw and Jenni Bolton of Cent$ible Students. They are self-proclaimed "money-moms" and work with kids in the school system from K-8 teaching financial literacy. Cent$ible...
S1 Ep23 | Anonymous Advice and the Value of Simple
This week we are joined by John Robertson PhD to discuss the credibility of online anonymous financial advice. Also John gives some highlights from his new book "The Value of Simple" to be released in early December 2014. *Updated Nov. 11 2014 Here is an excellent...
S1 Ep22 | Ellen Roseman
If you want something done about something, you send an email directly to Ellen Roseman and consider it case closed. Ellen has been a consumer advocate since before "consumer advocacy" was a thing, standing up to corporate giants and getting answers. Ellen Roseman is...