So in our second airing of what we originally named the Canadian Personal Finance Hangout, we actually announced a rebrand. Out with the old and in with the new, and even though the old wasn’t really worn, the new was so much better. We are now known as the Because Money podcast.
Because Money.
Now, if you are thinking to yourself, I don’t get it… that isn’t even grammatically correct, it makes no sense. Let me assure you that it does. Linguists are calling it the ‘prepositional because’ or the ‘because-noun’. Why are these changes being made?
Because Internet.
So with the rebrand out of the way, lets tackle the subject matter.
Full disclosure. Episode 2 contained some pretty awesome technical difficulties. While the hangout was in progress, I had 2 windows open that kicked in at Volume 11 and scared me half to death, Sandi spelled her name wrong on her name tag and Robb’s computer froze down, complete audio meltdown… leaving him staring blankly at us for a long time! Despite the rookie mistakes, we covered a lot of great material.
Here is a list of the topics we included in the scheduled hangout.
1. Annual State of the Residential Mortgage Market in Canada
Most consumers agree with the proposition that “low interest rates have meant that a lot of Canadians became homeowners over the past few years who should probably not be homeowners”.
However, while consumers believe other people have been irresponsible with their money, the responses to other questions show that they believe their own behaviour has been responsible. It isn’t clear how we can reconcile the paradox of widespread positive beliefs about “selfs” versus widespread skepticism about “others”.
It is likely that beliefs about other people are shaped by messages in the media and from pundits.
2. Question from the Canadian Personal Finance Community
The question generated conversation around paying off a no interest loan vs doing other things with your money like investing in a TFSA.
3. Thumbs are for Hitchhiking with, Not for Making Rules
Sandi Martin goes on to talk about how a one-sized fits all approach doesn’t really work in personal finance.
4. Stupid Things Finance People Say
I have read this list over a couple of times, there are some real gems in there.
5. OpEd: Why every Canadian should get a paycheque
This sparked some good discussion with Robb around CPP reform and OAS… even picked up a comment on the #BecauseMoney hashtag on twitter.
Previous Episodes
This is the text that appeared before the show was about to air.
We are only in our second week and already a rebrand. Love it!
Please consider this “The Because Money Podcast” and join the conversation live on twitter using the #BecauseMoney Hashtag.
Considerably better than “Canadian Personal Finance Hangout” using this hashtag >> #PFHca
And just in case you are thinking, “Because Money.” What does that even mean? That isn’t grammatically correct… actually it is. Linguists consider this use of because as a “prepositional because” or the “because-noun”. Completely acceptable. How did this come about. Because Internet.
So if you are looking for smart conversation around money in Canada, you have come to the right place.
Because Money.