Credit cards are making you fat and stupid…or maybe they’re making you better off, earning you money and rewards while buying stuff you were going to buy anyway…or maybe they’re making small business owners poorer…

We think it’s a mix of all three, and – just like last week’s Home Buyer’s Plan debate – there’s going to be some disagreement. We’ll leave you to guess who thinks what.

As always, we’ll be live at 9:30EST. Below is a list of the articles we’re planning on referencing so you can follow along. Tweet us your questions, comments, and general observations using the hashtag #becausemoney.

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How Rewarding are Rewards Cards Really? #BecauseMoney Episode 12 Resource List

Here is a list of articles used for reference in this weeks episode of the #becausemoney podcast.

Feb 26, 2014 - - 59
CFIB's Credit Free Friday campaign

CFIB launches a campaign to encourage Canadians to give their credit cards a break for one day a week. Credit Free Friday calls on Canadian consumers to help small businesses.

Feb 26, 2014 - - 56
Yes, Credit Cards Are Making You a Bad Person

The cashless society -- a world where physical money is practically obsolete -- has, in just a few years, gone from a utopian dream to something like an inevitability. In Sweden, a national effort is underway to take the country cashless within two decades.

Feb 26, 2014 - - 68
Why Do Banks Reward their Customers to Use their Credit Cards?

Why Do Banks Reward their Customers to Use their Credit Cards? Sumit Agarwal, Sujit Chakravorti, and Anna Lunnα December 20, 2010

Feb 26, 2014 - - 66
Always Leave Home Without It: A Further Investigation of the Credit-Card Effect on Willingness to Pay

In studies involving genuine transactions of potentially high value we show that willingness-to-pay can be increased when customers are instructed to use a credit card rather than cash. The effect may be large (up to
100%) and it appears unlikely that it arises due solely to liquidity constraints.

Feb 26, 2014 - - 67
Credit Card Offers | Boomer & Echo

Here's list of the best credit card offers in Canada, along with detailed reviews of the features and benefits of each card:

Feb 26, 2014 - - 68
Payment industry executives eye mobile future - The Boston Globe

Even though most consumers don't use their smartphones to pay for anything, some of the world's largest financial institutions and dozens of small tech start-ups are making big bets on the adoption of the so-called mobile wallet.


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