S5 Ep8 | Death and Taxes…Well, Just Taxes

Death And Taxes…Well, Just Taxes The expectation is that we all understand taxes as soon as we start making income… but that’s not what happens for most of us. We talk about weird tax stuff, our past mistakes, and what we wish was different about the...

S5 Ep6 | Couple Money: Owen and Susan

Couple Money: Owen & Susan We dearly love to interrogate couples about how they negotiate money, and for this latest round we caught Owen and Sue just before they went on a date and forced them to tell us how they talk about money with each other. Well, we say...

S5 Ep5 | Does Everyone Need Financial Advice?

Does Everyone Need Financial Advice? Does everyone need the kind of comprehensive financial planning advice that people like Chris and Sandi offer their clients? We think not…and spend some time revisiting last season’s finale about being the ones to...

S5 Ep4 | Ethical Investing with Tim Nash

Ethical Investing with Tim Nash We’re big fans of Tim Nash, and you will be too! Tim is the founder of Good Investing, an advice-only investment coaching practice that helps folks create low-fee, diversified portfolios around their ethical values. You can help...

S5 Ep3 | Affording Ethics

Affording Ethics Inspired by a conversation about shampoo, this one gets deep: what’s our responsibility to make ethical choices if we can’t afford them? (We stopped recording the video, but if you loved watching us on YouTube and have some Patreon bucks...

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