For as little as $10 per episode through Patreon, you can join our private community and make the podcast even better.
We are sad to tell you that our temporary season 6 hiatus has grown into a full blown season halt. Our goal in this season was to focus our discussions on transitions and 2020 been rich with them. Against the backdrop of the pandemic, school closures, and impacted businesses, both John and Chris lost their fathers in the past 4 months.
We still love each other, conversations about money, and all of you, but we have to take a break. After some discussion, we have decided to continue our Covid-19 hiatus. We’ll begin planning for our next season in the fall, and finish editing the episodes we already recorded then, to release them next season. We will make sure to keep you informed as release dates are set, and the best way to keep up to date is by following us on Twitter or LinkedIn, or becoming Patrons and joining our small Slack community, where we’ll post first.
We hope that you are all keeping safe and healthy. In this time of financial stress and general uncertainty, conversation has never been more important. We hope that you are finding opportunities to share your stress, your resilience, and the tools that are helping you look forward with those around you. We look forward to inviting you into our conversations again in the future
Season 6 Episode 5: Welcome to Parenthood!
Listen, It’s impossible to accurately imagine how your life will be different after you welcome a new human into your it, so there’s no such thing as being fully prepared for becoming a parent. There is, however, such a thing as being prepared for what you know will happen (like the paperwork you’ll need to fill out, and the gotchas to avoid) in order to make it easier to focus on the stuff that completely blindsides you (like the utter insanity of it all or how suddenly and fiercely you fall in love with your new human).
Because Money Podcast Team

Chris Enns
Chris Enns is a financial planner at Rags to Reasonable, where he works with artists and other folks with variable and sometimes unusual sources of income. He is a passionate servant of his community, a Mennonite farm boy, an opera singer and actor…and he makes a mean pie. Just try to avoid seeing his desktop. (Chaos! Anarchy!)

Sandi Martin
Sandi Martin is an advice-only financial planner at Sandi Martin Financial Planning, and works with regular folks to figure out what they want their money to do for them and the simplest, smartest way to do it. She’s a slightly obsessive reader, mother of three, and frequent, loud laugher (you’ll see).

John Robertson
John Robertson, PhD, is the author of The Value of Simple and teaches regular people how to become DIY investors through his online course Practical Index Investing for Canadians. He also investigates deep money questions and goes on rants on his blog HolyPotato.net. Oh yeah, he’s a scientist too. #smartestguyintheroom (He didn’t write that last part.)
Because Money Season 6
Coming to your ears January 2020
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Because Money Season 5
For your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below.
S5 Ep9 | How We Plan
How We Plan Setting goals matters, both in our finances and in our general lives... but there's tons of ways to go through that process. We talk about personal goals, income goals, and the structures and tools we use to reach them. You can help make Because Money...
S5 Ep8 | Death and Taxes…Well, Just Taxes
Death And Taxes...Well, Just Taxes The expectation is that we all understand taxes as soon as we start making income... but that's not what happens for most of us. We talk about weird tax stuff, our past mistakes, and what we wish was different about the system. You...
S5 Ep7 | Retiring on a Low Income with John Stapleton
John Stapleton on Retiring with a Low Income It seems like retirement is the same for every one... but it's really not, and John Stapleton joins us to talk about why retiring with low income is very different and requires a very different set of advice. John is a...
S5 Ep6 | Couple Money: Owen and Susan
Couple Money: Owen & Susan We dearly love to interrogate couples about how they negotiate money, and for this latest round we caught Owen and Sue just before they went on a date and forced them to tell us how they talk about money with each other. Well, we say...
S5 Ep5 | Does Everyone Need Financial Advice?
Does Everyone Need Financial Advice? Does everyone need the kind of comprehensive financial planning advice that people like Chris and Sandi offer their clients? We think not...and spend some time revisiting last season's finale about being the ones to encourage open...
S5 Ep4 | Ethical Investing with Tim Nash
Ethical Investing with Tim Nash We're big fans of Tim Nash, and you will be too! Tim is the founder of Good Investing, an advice-only investment coaching practice that helps folks create low-fee, diversified portfolios around their ethical values. You can help make...
Because Money Season 4
For your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You won’t regret it. We promise.
S4 Ep7 | The One Where Seth Comes to Call
The One Where Seth Comes to Call Sandi and Seth talk about money a lot, and it's interesting to hear about how they manage that. Of course Sandi lives in the world of personal finance and they spend a lot of time together, so we have to grade that one on a curve. And...
S4 Ep6 | The One Where There’s a Difference Between Expecting and *Expecting* an Inheritance
The One Where There's a Difference Between Expecting and Expecting an Inheritance None of us are ready to imagine a future without our parents in it. Full stop, fingers crossed, wood knocked, etc, etc. We’d all prefer to have our parents around until we die,...
S4 Ep5 | The One Where Robo-Advisors Haven’t Saved the World…Yet
The One Where Robo-Advisors Haven't Saved the World...Yet You might remember from our episode on robo-advisors in Season Three that Sandi and John have spent abnormal amounts of time thinking about robo-advisors, to the point where they built a calculator to compare...
S4 Ep4 | The One Where No One Has the Right Disability Insurance
The One Where No One Has the Right Disability Insurance What does Chris need but doesn’t want, Seth doesn’t need but Sandi wants, and John’s family want and need but couldn’t have? (It’s not Nanny MacPhee, in case you’re wondering, although that would be the Best...
S4 Ep3 | David O’Leary and John from Burlington: One of these guys is going to change the world
David O'Leary and John from Burlington: One of these guys is going to change the world You don’t want to miss the story of how David O’Leary started out as an English Literature major, got into the market as a newbie leveraged investor just before the 2000 tech bubble...
S4 Ep2 | Mimi Comes to Call
Mimi Comes to Call If you’re an opera fan (and who’s not?), you probably know Mireille Asselin, and if you don’t, you should. She’s also Chris’ Number One Favourite Person, and she’s on the show this week so we can have a real conversation about how they manage their...
Because Money Season 3
Just like in the previous section, for your viewing pleasure, simply click into an episode from the list below. You still won’t regret it.
S3 Ep8 | How Do You Solve a Problem Like Maria?
How do you solve a problem like Maria? Change is hard, and since it's just about time for all those resolutions to start making you feel guilty, we've put together an episode that includes what we'll all look back on and remember as the single best piece of financial...
S3 Ep7 | Starting a New Business with Jessica Oman
Starting a New Business with Jessica Oman We're back after our holiday hiatus (so good!) with an episode designed to answer one question for all those aspiring entrepreneurs out there: what's stopping you? Join us as we pepper Renegade Planner Jessica Oman with...
S3 Ep6 | “Someone Should Teach This in School”…and Kyle Prevost is
"Someone Should Teach This in School"...and Kyle Prevost is So everyone agrees that financial literacy in Canada could get better... but how? Now that's something that people don't always agree on, and that's why Kyle Prevost is the most interesting man in Canada when...
S3 Ep5 | Autoinvest.ca and Comparing Robo-Advisors in Canada
Autoinvest.ca and Comparing Robo-Advisors in Canada Sandi and John built a cool tool to compare robo-advisors across Canada, and in this show Chris asks us all sorts of questions about it. We're all pretty excited about the calculator and the fintech revolution in...
S3 Ep4 | “Alberta Then and Now” with Robb Engen
Alberta Then and Now with Robb Engen We've managed to convince Season One co-host Robb Engen of Boomer and Echo (and Rewards Cards Canada) to hang out and talk about what he's been up to and draft a fantasy portfolio. No, really: we could have spent an entire episode...
S3 Ep3 | “An American in Paris (Ontario)” with Julia Chung
An American in Paris (Ontario) with Julia Chung We're delighted to be joined this week by Julia Chung, CFP extraordinaire at JYC Financial, cross-border planning enthusiast, and all-round cool person. In this episode we start with a rousing game of Financial False...
Because Money Season 2
We promise, there is lots of gold in our archives.
S2 Ep5 | Randy Cass from NestWealth
A Flat Fee, Customized Global Portfolio Built Specifically for Your Life Goals Have you ever thought to yourself "Self, there has to be a better way for me to invest my money than in mutual funds with investment advisors who are making a percentage of what I invest,...
S2 Ep4 | Who Should DIY Their Portfolio with John Robertson
The Potato is Back in Town There are many books, guides, blogs, text messages, and ancient manuscripts written on the fundamentals of DIY Investing, while there is considerably less information circulating about "who" should consider building their own DIY portfolio....
S2 Ep3 | The Frugal Girl
In this episode of the because money podcast, we are joined by Kristen "The Frugal Girl" which is super exciting because as you will see in the video, Kristen is absolutely awesome. Kristen is a voice of reason in a world where frugal can mean a lot of different...
S2 Ep2| With Jordan McFarlen and Salmaan Moolla
Can You Teach Business and Finance in High School? Yes. Yes you can, and these guys are here to tell us how! In episode 2 of the Because Money podcast we are joined by Jordan McFarlane and Salmaan Moolla, as we discuss teaching financial literacy and business in high...
S2 Ep1| Season 2 Introduction with Kyle Prevost
Welcome Back to the Because Money Podcast! We are so happy to be back, even if the term 'we' is loose at this point. After 27 episodes of Season 1 and an ever increasing list of todos around our homes, we decided to take a little break from recording. Well, a few...
Because Money Season 1
Seriously, we mean it. They’re good.
S1 Ep21 | Michael Katchen
What is Wealthsimple? Guest Michael Katchan Michael Katchen is the founder and CEO of Wealthsimple, one of Canada’s new crop of online investment managers, and is on a mission to make smart investing cheaper, simpler, and easier for everyone. Wealthsimple “manages...
S1 Ep20 | Side Money
Sometimes cutting costs just doesn't cut it - sometimes you need to make more money. This week, the King of the Side Gig Robb Engen talks about how to make the magic happen.
S1 Ep19 | Insurance Nightmares
Oh the stories we can tell... and do tell on this episode of the Because Money Podcast
S1 Ep18 | Barry Choi
Travelling on the Cheap With Special Guest Barry Choi By day, Barry Choi is a director for City News and regularly appears on City's The5 to talk about personal finance, travel, and news. By night (or afternoon, or whenever he finds time to write), he blogs at Money...
S1 Ep17 | Rob Carrick
Generation Y and Mindless Home Buying With Special Guest Rob Carrick << Seriously! When people hear "Rob Carrick" they immediately think "Personal Finance" or "Money". Rob is a (the) personal finance columnist for Globe and Mail and has been writing about his...
S1 Ep16 | Kyle Prevost
How Do You Teach Financial Literacy? Special Guest Kyle Prevost Kyle Prevost is the co-author of More Money for Beer and Textbooks which may not be all that surprising given his profile picture features a good looking pint. Kyle blogs regularly on Young and Thrifty, a...